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Dr. Anna Dolidze


Dr Anna Dolidze was a member of the High Council of Justice in Georgia, the government body that oversees the judiciary, where she advocated for judiciary reform. Prior to the appointment to the Council, she was the Chief Legal Officer for the President of Georgia. In this capacity, she presented the record number, six Presidential vetoes to the Parliament. In 2015-2016 Dr. Dolidze was a Deputy Minister of Defence, where she was responsible for military education and veteran rehabilitation.

Dr. Dolidze was previously Assistant Professor of Law at the University of Western Ontario. She combines academic, professional, and Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) experience, having worked with Save the Children, the Human Rights Watch, Project Harmony and having served as Chairman for the Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association (GYLA), the largest advocacy organization in Georgia.

Dolidze has been recognized as a Young European Leader by Atlantic Brucke and as among the twelve women globally as Women on the Barricades by the Norwegian Helsinki Committee.

Dr Dolidze lectures transnationally, including at Duke University in North Carolina, Helsinki España-Human Dimension in Madrid, Sorbonne University in Paris, and Elmira Maximum Security Correctional Facility in New York State. She is the author of three books and numerous scholarly articles about international law and rule of law.


    Dr. Dolidze has received a Bachelor’s Degree cum laude from Tbilisi State University, Master’s Degree in Law from Leiden University and PhD in Law from Cornell University, all on full scholarship.

Teaching Areas

    Human Rights, Ethics, International Law, Public International Law

Research Interests

    International law, law reform, rule of law, comparative law, human rights, governance


    Anna Dolidze, Bridging International and Comparative Law: Amicus Curiae Participation as a Vertical Legal Transplant, 26 (4) European Journal of International Law 2016.

    Anna Dolidze, Promise and Perils of the International Human Right to Property, 47 The University of the Pacific Law Review 2016.

    Anna Dolidze, The Non-Native Speakers of International Law: the Case of Russia, 15 Baltic Yearbook of Int’l. L., 2015.

    Sara Seck & Anna Dolidze, ITLOS Case No. 17 and the Evolving Principles for Corporate Responsibility under International Law, Responsibilities of the Non-State Actors in Armed Conflict and the Market Place (Cedric Ryngaert, Math Noortmann&Noemi Gal-Or, 2015).

    Anna Dolidze, Beyond the Binary of Exogenous and Endogenous Transitions: The International Governance of Transitional Justice in Georgia, Transitional Justice in a Reunified Korea: Peace-Building and Reconciliation (RutiTeitel&Buhm Suk-Baek Eds.2015).

    Anna Dolidze, Jury Trials in Georgia and Their Compatibility with the European Convention of Human Rights, European Standards of Human Rights and their Influence on Georgian Legislation and Practice (Konstantin Korkelia Ed.,2014). 

    Anna Dolidze, Advisory Opinion on Responsibility and Liability for International Seabed Mining (ITLOS Case No. 17) and the Future of NGO Participation in the International Legal Process, 19 ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law 2013.

    Anna Dolidze, Making International Property Law: Amici Curiae in International Dispute Resolution, 40 Syracuse Journal of International Law and Commerce, 2013.

    Anna Dolidze, Lampedusa and Beyond: Recognition, Implementation, and Justiciability of Stateless Persons’ Rights under International Law, 6 Interdisciplinary Journal of Human Rights Law (2011-2012).

    Anna Dolidze, Burger, Without Spies, Please: Notes from a Human Rights Researcher, Voices, 2009 at 14, reprinted in Law and Order (Cynthia NitzRis Ed., 2011).

    Anna Dolidze, The European Court of Human Rights and Non-Governmental Organizations, in Globalization and Governance 207, 207-231(Laurence Boulle ed., 2011).

    Anna Dolidze, Recognizing Differences in Dynamics of Recognition- Can Kosovo Serve as a Precedent for South Ossetia and Abkhazia? 2 Cornell International Affairs Review 42, 42-46 (2009).

    Anna Dolidze, Internet Governance in GeorgiainGoverning the Internet: Freedom and Regulation in the OSCE Region 133, 133-147 (Christian Moller & Arnaud Amouroux eds.,2007).

    Zurab Burduli& Anna Dolidze, Housing and Property Restitution in Georgia, in Returning Home: Housing and Property Restitution Rights of Refugees and Displaced Persons 317, 317-335 (Scott LeckieEd., 2003).

Dr. Anna Dolidze
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