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Dr. Naji Al Seiari

Dr. Naji Mohammed Al Seiari presently serves as the Dean of Faculty & Research and Innovation Division Director, alongside his role as an Associate Professor at Rabdan Academy. With an extensive career spanning 22 years, he brings a wealth of experience from both academia and the industrial sector.

Before joining Rabdan Academy in June 2023, Dr. Al Seiari spent 11 years as an Associate Professor in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department at Khalifa University from 2012 to 2023. During his tenure, which included his service at the Petroleum Institute, which later merged into Khalifa University, he served as the Faculty Engagement Manager for two years from 2016 to 2018 under the Research and Development Division.

Dr. Al Seiari boasts an impressive publication record, with numerous articles featured in esteemed international journals, predominantly in Q1 and Q2 journals. Additionally, he has contributed significantly to conference papers and even co-authored a book chapter. His current H-index stands at 12 in Scopus, indicating a promising trajectory.

As part of his scholarly contributions, Dr. Al Seiari has supervised a total of 6 graduate students, spanning MSc and PhD programs. Furthermore, he has guided the research efforts of 3 postdoctoral fellows over multiple years.

Contact Information:

Email: research@ra.ac.ae

  1. Phone: +971 2 599 9863


    1. Ph.D. Electrical & Electronics Engineering, The University of Manchester, UK, 2011
    2. MSc. Electrical Engineering, Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, 2006
    3. B.Sc. Electrical Engineering, Florida Institute of Technology, USA, 2001

Research Interests

    1. Power Electronics Applications in Renewable Energy.
    2. Electric Systems Maintenance and Stability in Security Applications.
    3. Applications of Electric Motors and Power Electronics in Defense and Security.
    4. Systems Engineering for Defense Applications.


    1. Scopus ID: 57201283118, H-index: 12

    Journal Articles:

    1. Edpuganti, A., Khadkikar, V., Al Sayari, N., Zahawi, B." Single-Inductor Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Converter for CubeSats Electric Power System ", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Jan26, 2023.
    2. Edpuganti, A., Khadkikar, V., Moursi, M.S.E., Zeineldin, H., Al-Sayari, N., Al Hosani, K."A Comprehensive Review on CubeSat Electrical Power System Architectures", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 37, no. 3, pp. 3161-3177, March1, 2022.
    3. A. Shafiqurrahman, B. S. Umesh, N. A. Sayari and V. Khadkikar, "Electric Vehicle-To-Vehicle Energy Transfer Using On-board Converters," in IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification, May2, 2022. doi: 10.1109/TTE.2022.3172029.
    4. Rajasekharareddy Chilipi, Naji Al Sayari, Jamal Al Sawalhi, " Control of single-phase solar power generation system with universal active power filter capabilities using least mean mixed-norm (LMMN)-based adaptive filtering method ", IEEE Transaction on Sustainable Energy, Volume 11, Issue 2, PP 879-893, April 2020.
    5. Rajasekharareddy Chilipi, Naji Al Sayari, Jamal Al Sawalhi, "Control of Dual Converter based Grid-tied Solar Photovoltaic System With Series-Shunt Compensation Capabilities", IET Renewable Power Generation, Volume 14, Issue 1, 6 January 2020, Pages 164-175.
    6. Nguyen Thanh Hai, Khalifa Al Hosani, Mohamed El Moursi, Naji Al Sayari, "A Submodule-Capacitor Voltage Balancing Strategy for Alternative-Arm Converters in HVDC Systems, IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, Volume 34, Issue 3, June 2019, Article number 8633422, Pages 795-806
    7. A. El Aroudi, M. Al-Numay, G. García, Khalifa Al Hosani, Naji Al Sayari, A. Cid-Pastor, , “Analysis of nonlinear dynamics of a quadratic boost converter used for maximum power point tracking in a grid-interlinked PV system” , Energies, Article no. 61, Vol.12, Issue 1, January 2019.
    8. Anurag. A. Devadiga, Noureddine Harid, Huw Griffiths, Naji Al Sayari, Braham Barkat, Sheshakamal Jayaram, Hisatoshi Ikeda, Tadashi Koshizuka, Y. Taniguchi, “Winding Turn-to-Turn Short-Circuit Diagnosis using FRA Method: Sensitivity of Measurement Configuration," IET Science, Measurement & Technology, Volume 13, Issue 1, PP 17-24, January 2019.
    9. Rajasekharareddy Chilipi, Naji Al Sayari, Abdelali El Aroudi,” Coordinated Control of Parallel Operated Renewable-Energy-Based Distributed Generation Systems”, IET-Renewable Power Generation, Volume 12, Issue 14, PP 1623-1632, 29 October, 2018.
    10. Khalifa Al Hosani, Thanh Hai Nguyen, Naji Al Sayari,“ Fault-Tolerant Control of MMCs Based on SCDSMs in HVDC Systems during DC-Cable Short Circuits,” International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems,100, pp. 379-390, 2018.
    11. Khalifa Al Hosani, Thanh Hai Nguyen, Naji Al Sayari, “An Improved Control Strategy of 3P4W DVR Systems under Unbalanced and Distorted Voltage Conditions,” International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 98, pp. 233-242, 2018.
    12. Rajasekharareddy Chilipi, Naji Al Sayari, Khalifa Al Hosani, Muhammed Fasil and A. R. Beig, “ Third Order Sinusoidal Integrator (TOSSI)-based Control Algorithm for Shunt Active Power Filter under Distorted and Unbalanced Voltage Conditions”, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 96, pp. 152-162, 2018.
    13. Masaya Hiraide; Takashi Nakajima; Tadashi Koshizuka; Hisatoshi Ikeda; Yasuhiko Taniguchi; Eiichi Haginomori; Noureddine Harid; Naji Al Sayari; Braham Barkat; Anurag Devadiga,” Frequency Response Analysis (FRA) for Exact Power Transformer Impedance”, 2017 CIRED IET Journals, Volume 2017, Issue 1, October 2017, p. 189 – 193.
    14. Naji Al Sayari, Rajasekharareddy Chilipi, Khalifa Al Hosani, Fahad Al Maskari, “Grid Synchronization and Control of Distributed Generation Unit with Flexible Load Compensation Capabilities using Multi-Output LMS-Filter”, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 93, pp. 253-265, 2017
    15. Rajasekharareddy Chilipi, Naji Al Sayari, Khalifa Al Hosani, and A. R. Beig, “Adaptive Notch Filter Based Multipurpose Control Scheme for Grid-Interfaced Three-Phase Four-Wire DG Inverter”, IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 53(4), 7866889, pp. 4015-4027, 2017.
    16. A. El Aroudi, G. García, Khalifa Al Hosani, Naji Al Sayari, JM Bosque, M. Al-Numay, “Analytical Multi-Parametric Stability Boundaries of DC-DC Buck Converters Under V1 Control Concept”, International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 4(11), pp. 1686-1700, 2017.
    17. Thanh Hai Nguyen, Khalifa Al Hosani, Naji Al Sayari, “Grid integration improvement for single phase inverters of small wind turbines under distorted voltage conditions,” International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 2017; 87: 144-153.
    18. Raja Sekhara Chipi, Naji AlSayari, Khalifa Al Hosani, Abdul R. Beig,” A Control Scheme for Grid-Tied DG Inverter under Unbalanced and Distorted Utility Conditions with Power Quality Ancillary Services”, IET Journal of Renewable Power Generation, Vol. 10, 1 February, 2016, Pages 140-149.
    19. Mohmed Barara, Adiuku Chimezie, Naji Alsayari, Abdul Rahiman Beig, Khalifa Hasan Alhosani,”Hardware Implementation of Voltage Control for Self-Excited Induction Generator Used in Small Power Generation”, IREE Vol 10, No 4, 2015.
    20. Raja Sekhara Chipi, Naji AlSayari, Abdul R. Beig, Khalifa Al Hosani,” A Multitasking Control Algorithm for Grid-Connected Inverters in Distributed Generation Applications using Adaptive Noise Cancellation Filters”, IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion, Vol. 31, Iss. 2, June 2016, Page 714-727.
    21. Naji Al Sayari, Rajasekharareddy Chilipi, Mohamad Barara,” An Adaptive Control Algorithm for Grid-Interfacing Inverters in Renewable Energy Based Distributed Generation Systems”, Journal of Energy Conversion and Management, Elsevier, Vol 111, 1 March, 2016, PP 443-452.
    22. Mohamed Barara, Chimezie Adiuku ,Abdul Rhaiman Beig, Khalifa Alhosani, Naji Al Sayari, Mohamed Akherraz,” Implementation of a DSPACE-based standalone renewable energy supply feeding an isolated load”, International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering, Volume7, Issue 2, pp 125–135.

    Conference Articles:

    1. Thanh Hai Nguyen, Khalifa Al Hosani, Mohamed El Moursi, Naji Al Sayari, "An Efficient Topology of Modular-Multilevel Converter with Alternative Arm Operation", IEEE IECON 2018 Conference, 21-23 October, 2018, Washington DC, USA.
    2. Devadiga, A., Harid, N, Griffiths Naji Al Sayari, Barkat, B “An Alternative Measurement Approach to Sweep Frequency Response Analysis (SFRA) for Power Transformers Fault Diagnosis”, 53rd International Universities Power Engineering Conference 2018,Glasgow, 4th -7th September, 2018.
    3. Thanh Hai Nguyen, Khalifa Al Hosani, Naji Al Sayari, and Abdul R. Beig, “Seamless transition scheme between grid-tied and stand-alone modes of distributed generation inverters,” Proc.IEEE IFEEC 2017, Taiwan, pp. 344-349.
    4. A. Hammoud, N. Al Sayari, H. Griffiths, N. Harid and A. A. Devadiga, ''An Alternative Measurement Approach to Sweep Frequency Response Analysis (SFRA) for Power Transformers Fault Diagnosis,'' 2017 Graduate Students Research Conference, Abu Dhabi, pp. 1-4, (2017).
    5. R. S. R. Chilipi, N. A. Sayari, K. A. Hosani and A. R. Beig, "Adaptive notch filter based multipurpose control scheme for grid-interfaced three-phase four-wire DG inverter," 2016 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, 2016, pp. 1-8.
    6. Nugraha, F.A., Harid, N., Barkat, B., Al Sayari, N., Jayaram, S., Griffiths, H.”Analysis of partial discharge in air using emitted electromagnetic waves and the HFCT method”, 34th Electrical Insulation Conference, EIC 2016, art. no. 7548662, pp. 551-554.
    7. Muhammed Fasil T. P., Abdul R Beig, Rajasekharareddy Chilipi, Saikrishna Kanukollu, Naji Al Sayari, and Khalifa Al Hosani, “Mitigation of Harmonics in Drilling Rigs using Shunt Active Power Filters”, IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), Sep. 18-22, 2016 at Milwaukee, Wisconsin USA.
    8. M.Barara, C.Adiuku,K. Alhosani, Naji Al Sayari, A. Bieg, M.Akherraz, A.Abbou, "An isolated renewable energy source based regulated single phase power supply using multilevel cascaded H-bridge converter," 2015 IEEE 5th International Conference on Power Engineering, Energy and Electrical Drives (POWERENG), Riga, 2015, pp. 606-611.
    9. F.A. Nugraha, N. Harid, N. Al Sayari, B. Barkat, S. Ohtsuka, K. Harada, Y. Okura, T Sonoda,” Investigation of DC Corona Discharge Properties Using UHF Method”, 5th International Conference on Electrical Engineering and Informatics (ICEEI), Aug 10-11, 2015, Bali, Indonesia.
    10. M. Barara, A. Bennassar, M. Akherraz, K. H. Alhosan, N. A. Sayari and A. R. Beig, "Flexible control for small power generation employing renewable energy source used in isolated communities," Power and Electrical Engineering of Riga Technical University (RTUCON), 2015 56th International Scientific Conference on, Riga, 2015, pp. 1-6.
    11. Saikrishna Kanukollu, Abdul R. Beig, Khalifa Al Hosani, Naji AlSayari, “Real-Time Simulation Based Performance Analysis of Active Filters for Drilling Rigs,” IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition(APEC), Volume 2015-May, Issue May, 8 May 2015, Article number 7104740,Charlotte, USA, Pages 2750-2756.
    12. Kunihiko Hidaka, Hisatoshi Ikeda , Nourredine Harid ,Naji Al Sayari, Tadashi Koshizuka, “Investigation of diagnosis on power transformer,” The International Conference on Electrical Engineering, July 2015, Hong Kong.
    13. Djilali Hamza, Khalifa Alhosani, Saikrishna Kanukollu, Naji AlSayari,“Mitigation of Low and High Frequency Harmonics in Variable Speed AC Drives Used in Oil Rigs,” Proceeding of the international Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 20 October 2014, Article number 6930979, Gothenburg, Sweden, Pages 615-619 .
    14. El Aroudi, A., Al-Numay, M., Al Hosani, K., Al Sayari, N., “Using steady-state response for predicting stability boundaries in switched systems under PWM with linear and bilinear plants,” International Conferences on Structural Nonlinear Dynamics and Diagnosis, Volume 168, 2015, Code 142749 Agadir, Morocco, Pages 367-391.

Honours And Awards

    1. Sheikh Rashid Award for Scientific Outstanding Performance (two times), 2008 & 2012.
    2. Certificate of Recognition by the Ministry of Presidential Affairs, Abu Dhabi, 2012.
    3. Good Academic Recognition by ADNOC, 1997-2001.
    4. Fellowship from the Ministry of Presidential Affairs, Abu Dhabi, 2007-2011.
    5. Fellowship from Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC), 1996 – 2001 & 2005 – 2006.
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