About Us

Dr. Edris Alam

Professor and Associate Researcher

Dr. Edris Alam’s research interests include climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction (DRR), sustainability science, business continuity management, public health emergency and integrated emergency management for resilience. Dr Alam has earned his PhD in Disaster Risk Reduction from the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia. Dr Alam both studied and worked in Bangladesh, Australia and the United Kingdom. In the past, Dr Alam worked for the national governments, NGOs, and United Nations in different capacities. He has published over sixty research articles on climate change, disaster risk management, public health emergency, business continuity and sustainability science in the major international journals. Dr Alam succeeded securing research funding from Governmental Organizations (GOs), NGOs, INGOs, UNDP, DFID and universities. Whilst working as a lead international consultant on climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction cluster of different UN agencies, Dr Alam identified appalling strategic gap in program document development and implementation of agendas on climate change, disaster risk reduction and sustainable development. Advocating for the mainstreaming of environment, climate change, development interventions and disaster risk reduction consideration throughout all sectors is the utmost thrust of his work. 


    • 20102014: PhD thesis entitled ‘A new record and geography of tsunamis, earthquakes and tropical cyclones in Bangladesh and their relevance to disaster risk reduction.’ The University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia.Doi: 10.13140/2.1.5141.2806.
    • 20062007: Master of Science in Disaster Management and Sustainable Development, Northumbria University, UK. Dissertation (20,000 Words) entitled Understanding vulnerability and local responses to disasters: experiences from Bangladesh coast.
    • 20012002: Master of Science in Geography & Environment, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh. Dissertation (20,000 words) entitled Post cyclone adjustment process: the case of Sandwip Island, Bangladesh.
    • 19962000: Bachelor of Science with Honours in Geography & Environment with minors in Economics, Sociology and History, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Teaching Areas

    • Integrated Emergency Management (IEM)
    • Disaster and Development Studies
    • Business Continuity Management (BCM)
    • Research Methodology

Research Interests

    • Disaster & risk management
    • Disaster, Environment and Development
    • Epidemiology of disasters and public health emergency management
    • Coupled human-environment systems
    • Sustainable development through post disaster reconstruction and humanitarian assistance and sustainable livelihood approaches
    • Climate change, migration, adaptation and policy
    • Theoretical and methodological approaches in understanding of disaster and vulnerability


    1.      Alam, E., 2022. Enhancing the policing response to COVID-19 with media engagement: The United Arab Emirates experience, Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice (Oxford University Press), org/10.1093/police/paac012

    2.      AlGahtani, A., Momani, N.A., Davies, A.J., Alam, E. 2022. Identifying demographic characteristics for effective Disaster Risk Management – A case study of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Sustainability, 14(22), 15399.

    3.      Musabbir, M., Islam, ARMT. Rahman, M.S., Pal, SC. Alam, E., Mallick, J.,2022. Spatiotemporal variability of rainfall erosivity and its teleconnection with atmospheric circulation in monsoon-driven climate region, Catena, 221, 106762.

    4.      Sufi, F., Alam, E., and Alsulami, M., 2022. Automated analysis of Australian tropical cyclones with regression, clustering & convolutional neural network, Sustainability, 14(16),9830.

    5.      Alam, E., Juthi, R.Z., Samuel, C., Kaluarachchi, Y. 2022. Enhancing effectiveness of occupational health and safety of garments and textile industry workers in Chittagong, Bangladesh, Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Disaster Resilience/Springer, 283-301.

    6.      Mia, M.U., Rahman, M., Elbeltagi, A., Abdulah-Al-Mahbub, M., Sharma, G., Islam, H.M.T, Pal, S.C., Costache, R., Islam, A.R.M.T., Islam, M.M., Ningsheng, C., Alam, E., Washakh, R.M.A, 2022. Sustainable flood risk assessment using deep learning-based algorithms with a blockchain technology, Geocarta International, oi.org/10.1080/10106049.2022.2112982.

    7.      Sufi, F., Alam, E., and Alsulami, M., 2022. A new decision support system for analysing factors of tornado related deaths in Bangladesh, Sustainability, 14 (2348). Doi: org/10.3390/su14042348.

    8.      Mohamed, N., Alam, E., Stubbs, G.E., 2022. Multi-Layer Protection Approach MLPA for the Detection of Advanced Persistent Threat, Journal of Positive School Psychology, 6 (5): 4496–4518.

    9.      Choudhury, T.R., Islam, T., Islam, ARMT. Hasanuzzaman, Md., Idris, A.M., Rahman, M.S., Alam, E., Chowdhury, AMS., 2022. Multi-media compartments for assessing ecological and health risks from concurrent exposure to multiple contaminants on Bhola Island, Bangladesh, Emerging Contaminants, Doi: //doi.org/10.1016/j.emcon.2022.03.001

    10.   Rahman, M.M., Khan, S.J., Tanni, K.N., Roy, T., Chisty, M.A.,Islam, M.R.,Mumi, M.A.M.R., Sakib, M.S., Quader, M.A., Bhuiyan, MNUI, Rahman, F., Alam, E., Islam, R.M.T., 2022. Knowledge, attitude, and practices towards dengue fever among University Students of Dhaka City, Bangladesh, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19:4023. Doi:://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19074023

    11.   Alam, E., Khan, M.S., Salam, R., 2022. Vulnerability assessment based on household views from the Dammar Char in South – Eastern Bangladesh, Natural Hazards, Doi: //doi.org/10.1007/s11069-022-05302-1.

    12.   Jilani, MMAK. Moniruzzaman, M., Dey, M., Alam, E., Uddin, M.A., 2022. Strengthening the Trialability for the Intention to Use of mHealth Apps Amidst Pandemic: A Cross-sectional Study, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (239). Doi: /doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19052752

    13.   Modugno, S., Johnson, S.C.M., Borrelli, P., Alam,, Bezak, N., Balzte, H., 2022. Analysis of human exposure to landslides with a GIS multiscale approach, Natural Hazards. Doi: org/10.1007/s11069-021-05186-7

    14.   Al Manum, A., Islam, ARMT, Alam, E., Paul, S.C., Alam, and G.M.M., 2022. Assessing Riverbank erosion and livelihood resilience using traditional approaches in northern Bangladesh, Sustainability, 14 (2348). Doi: org/10.3390/su14042348

    15.   Alam, E., Rahman, KA., Hriody, A-K., E., 2022. Public Confidence in COVID-19 prevention and response in Bangladesh, Frontiers in Public Health, 9: Doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.783726.

    16.   Rahman, M., Tasnim, F., Quader, M.A., Bhuiyan, M., Sakib, M.S., Tabassum, R., Shobuj, I.A., Hasan, L., Chisty, M.A., Rahman, F., Alam, E., Islam, ARMT., 2022. Perceived Noise Pollution and Self-Reported Health Status among Adult Population of Bangladesh, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19 (239). Doi: org/10.3390/ijerph19042394

    17.   Alam, E., Mallick, B., 2022. Climate change perceptions, impacts and adaptation practices of fishers in southeast Bangladesh coast, International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management, 14 (2): 191-211. Doi: 10.1108/IJCCSM-02-2021-0019.

    18.   Rahman, M.M., Nabila, I.A., Sakib, M.S., Silvia, N.J., Galib, M.A., Shobuj, I., Hasan, L., Chisty, M.A., Alam, E., Islam, R.M.T., 2022. Knowledge, attitude, and practices towards lightning in Bangladesh, Sustainability, 14: 448. Doi: doi.org/10.3390/su14010448.

    19.   Rahman, M.N., Rony, M.R.H., Jannat, F.A., Pal, S.C., Islam, M.S., Alam, E., Islam, A.R.M.T., 2021. Impact of urbanization on urban heat island intensity in Major

    20.   districts of Bangladesh using remote sensing and geo-spatial tools, Climate Journal. Doi: //doi.org/10.3390/cli10010003

    21.   Islam, A.R.M.T, Hasanuzzaman, M., Jaman, M., Alam, E., Mallick, J., Alam, G.M.M, Sattar, M.A., Techato, K., 2021. Assessing farmers perceived typologies concerning environmental issues and climate change for sustainable adaptation strategies in Bangladesh, Climate Journal. Xx. Doi: org/10.3390/cli9120167

    22.   Al Manum, A., Roy, S., Islam, ARMT, Alam, G.M.M., Alam, E., Paul, S.C., Sattar, M.A., Mallick, J., 2021. Smallholder Farmers’ Perceived Climate-Related Risk, Impact, and Their Choices of Sustainable Adaptation Strategies, Sustainability, 3(21):11922. Doi: 3390/su132111922

    23.   Alam, Al abdouli, K.. Khamis, A.H., Bhuiyan, H.U., Rahman, K.A., 2021. Public Trust in Covid-19 Prevention and Responses between March and June 2020 in Bangladesh, Risk Management and Healthcare Policy. Doi: https://doi.org/10.2147/RMHP.S327881.

    24.   Alam, Ray-Bennett, N., 2021. Disaster risk governance for landslide risk management in local level administration in Bangladesh. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Volume 59 (1022200):1-13. doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2021.102220.

    25.   Alam, E., Hridoy, A-E., Naim, M., 2021. Factors Affecting Small-Scale Fishers Adaptation toward the Impacts of Climate Change: Reflections from South Eastern Bangladeshi Fishers, International Energy Journal, 21, Special Issue 1A: 119 – 132.

    26.   Alam, E. 2020. Earthquake hazard knowledge, risk perception and preparedness in readymade garment industry in Bangladesh. Sustainability12, 10147.

    27.   Alam, E., 2020. Landslide hazard knowledge, risk perception and preparedness in southeast Bangladesh. Sustainability, 12, 6305.

    28.   Alam, 2019. Importance of long time data for disaster risk reduction in Bangladesh, Progress in Disaster Science 2: 1-9. Doi:org/10.1016/j.pdisas.2019.100019

    29.   Alam, , 2017. A historical and geographical analysis of earthquake and associated tsunami events in the northern Bay of Bengal and Bangladesh coast. Journal of Geography, Environment and Earth Science International, 12 (2): 1-14. Doi: 10.9734/JGEESI/2017/31187.

    30.   Alam, E., 2017. Locational analysis of hill cutting areas in Chittagong City, Bangladesh, Journal of Earth Science and Climate Change, 8 (11). Doi: DOI: 4172/2157-7617.1000420.

    31.   Alam, E., 2017. Climate impacts and adaptation strategies of the Bangladeshi coastal communities, American Journal of Environmental Sciences, 14 (4): 195-202.

    32.   Alam, E., 2017. Food security and Food Security and Household Coping Strategies During Disasters in Bangladesh, International Journal of Natural Disasters & Health Security (IJNHS), 4(1), 30-35. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.19070/2572-7540-170006.

    33.   Alam, E., Dominey-Howes, D., 2016. Earthquakes in the north-eastern coastline of Indian Ocean with a particular focus on the Bay of Bengal – a synthesis and review, Natural Hazards, 81: 2031-2102. Doi: 10.1007/s11069-016-2174-7.

    34.   Alam,, 2016. Earthquake and tsunami knowledge, risk perception and preparedness in SE Bangladesh. Journal of Geography and Natural Disasters, 6:154. Doi: 10.4172/2167-0587.1000154.

    35.   Alam, ,Bhuiyan, H.U., 2015. Tropical cyclones, earthquakes and tsunamis in SE Bangladesh coast: historical context, disaster effects, local adaptation and management. Journal of Social Development (in Bengali). 27 (1): 35-51.

    36.   Alam, E., Dominey-Howes, D., 2015. A new catalogue of tropical cyclone events, their spatial distribution and effects in Bangladesh. International Journal of Climatology, 35 (6): 801-835. Doi: 10.1002/joc.4035.

    37.   Alam, E., Dominey-Howes, D., 2014. An analysis of the AD1762 earthquake and tsunamis in the SE Bangladesh. Natural Hazards, 70 (1):903–933. Doi: 1007/s11069-013-0841-5.

    38.   Alam, E., Dominey-Howes, D., Goff, J., Chagué-Goff, C., 2012. Tsunamis in the northeastern Indian Ocean with a particular focus on the Bay of Bengal region– a synthesis and review. Earth-Science Reviews, 114 (1–2): 175–193. Doi:1016/j.earscirev.2012.05.002.

    39.   Alam, E., Collins, A.E., 2010. Cyclone disaster vulnerability and response experiences in coastal Bangladesh. Disasters, 34 (4): 931–954. Doi:10.1111/j.0361-3666.2010.01176.x.

    40.   Alam, E., Tornado hazard in Bangladesh: nature, loss and coping, The Chittagong University Journal of Science, 29 (1): 33–30.

    41.   Alam, E., Chowdhury, M.A.T., Akbar, M.T, Islam, H., 2005. Prospect of ecotourism development in Cox’s Bazar coastal belt of Bangladesh. The Journal of Business and Society, 4 (3): 55–

    42.   Alam, E., Bhuiyan, R.H., Rahman, M.M., 2004. Loss pattern of cyclone 1991: a study on Sandwip Island, Bangladesh. The Chittagong University Journal of Science, 28 (2): 67–78.

    43.   Alam, E., Groundwater arsenic problem in Bangladesh: a field level observation. The Chittagong University Journal of Science, 28 (1): 123–132.

    44.   Alam, E., Chowdhury, AT., Akbar, MT., 2004. Aspects of socio-environmental problems resulting from hill cutting in Chittagong City of Bangladesh: local people’s perspectives, Pakistan Journal of Social Science 3 (8), 148-152.

    45.   Alam, E., Bhuiyan, R.H., Akbar, MT., 2004. Life and livelihood strategies of Char-land areas of Bay Bengal: a study on Urir Char, Pakistan Journal of Social Science 3 (2), 255-260.

    46.   Alam, E., Post cyclone adjustment processes: basic needs perspective. Oriental Geographer, 47 (2): 47–60.

    47.   Alam, E., Bhuiyan, R.H., Akbar, M.T., 2003. Cyclone disaster in coastal Bangladesh: local knowledge and indigenous coping strategies, Bhugal Patrika (A Journal of Geography), 22: 124–133.

    1. Alam, E., Coping with cyclone havoc: an occupational group perspective, Journal of Asiatic Society of Bangladesh (Humanities), 48 (2): 59–74.


    Books and Book Chapters

    1.      Alam, E., Delgrosso, B. 2022. Tropical cyclones: experiences from Bangladesh and the United States of America (USA). In McGee, T.K., and Edmund, P-R., Routledge Handbook of Environmental Hazards and Society, Routledge, UK. Doi: 104324/9780367854584-6.

    2.      Alam, E., 2022. Cognition and Collective Action for Covid-19 Prevention and Resonse in the United Arab Emirates, In Louise, C.K, and Rohdes, M-L., Global Risk Management: the Role of Collective Cognition in Response to COVID-19, Routledge, UK, pp. 312. ISBN 9781032181820

    3.      Ray-Bennett, N., Mendez, D., Alam, E., & Morgner, C. (2020). Inter-agency collaboration for natural hazard management in developed countries. In Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Natural Hazard Science. Oxford University Press. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780199389407.013.176.  

    4.      Alam, E., Sarkar, A., 2020. Climate Change Impacts and Community-led Drought Adaptation: A Case Study of Northern Bangladesh, in Pal, I., Bhatt, M., Drought Risk Management in South and East Asia, Sage publishing, pp.394.

    5.      Alam, E., Momtaz, S., Bhuiyan, H.B., Baby, S.N., 2019. Climate change impacts on the Bangladesh coast: perspective on tropical cyclones, sea level rise and social vulnerability, in Islam, N., Amstel, A., Bangladesh 1: Climate Change Impacts, Mitigation and Adaptation in Developing Countries, Series: Springer Climate Change, pp. 145-166.

    6.      Alam, E., 2017. Coping and adaptation: coastal communities with disasters, AHDP publishing house, Dhaka, pp. 105.

Dr. Edris Alam
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