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Dr. Jang Minhwan

Assistant Professor

Dr Jang has 8 years of policing experience, including 6 years in Crime Scene Investigation, 1 year in Criminal Investigation Department as a detective, and 1 year in Interrogation Research. Prior to joining Rabdan Academy, he taught courses in the areas of criminal psychology and profiling.

  • Adjunct Professor at the Psychology Department of Chung-ang University, Seoul (taught ‘Criminal Profiling’ for graduate students)
  • Adjunct Professor at the Policing and Administration Department of Dong-guk University, Seoul (taught ‘Criminal Psychology’ for graduate students)
  • External lecturer at the Central Police Academy (taught ‘Understanding the Mentally Ill’)
  • External lecturer at the National Police Investigation Academy (taught ‘Suspect Interrogation’)


    • PhD – Psychology. Portsmouth University, UK. [US Equivalency]
    • PhD – Psychology. Gothenburg University, Sweden.
    • MA – Legal Psychology. Hallym University, South Korea.
    • BA – Psychology. Catholic University of Korea, South Korea.

Teaching Areas

    Criminology, Criminal Law 

Research Interests

    Forensic Science, Detective Skills 


    - Jang, M., & Park, R., (2022). Reducing Police Investigators’ Confirmation Bias Using Evidence-Hypothesis Testing Matrix. Korean Journal of Study of Police and Law, 20(3), 125-152. https://doi.org/10.22826/jpl.2022.20.3.125

    - Jo, S., Lee, J., Jang, M., & Lee, J., (2022). The Exploratory Research on the Suggestibility of Eyewitness Identification Procedure with CCTV in Police Investigation, Korean Journal of Police Studies, 21(3), 203-226. https://doi.org/10.38084/2022.21.3.9

    - Jang, M., Lee, Y., Lee, H., Moon, H., & Jo, Y., (2022). A Study on Implementing the Strategic Use of Evidence Technique During Police Interrogation. Korean Journal of Criminal Investigation Studies, 8(1), 25-46. https://doi.org/10.46225/CIS.2022.

    - Jang, M., Luke, T. J., Granhag, P. A., & Vrij, A. (2022). How Police Tactics Affect Prisoners’ and Laypersons’ Perception of Evidence. Manuscript in preparation. https://osf.io/t97yv/?view_only=e26dd048930b47e6b226d48a92f7a4e7

    - Jang, M., Luke, T. J., Granhag, P. A., & Vrij, A. (2022). Impacts of Types of Available Evidence on Police Interrogators’ Selection of Tactics. Manuscript in preparation. https://osf.io/t97yv/?view_only=e26dd048930b47e6b226d48a92f7a4e7

    - Jang, M. (2021). Impacts of Evidence on Decision-making in Police Investigation (Doctoral dissertation, University of Gothenburg, Sweden). Available at http://hdl.handle.net/2077/68336

    - Jang, M. (2021). Impacts of Evidence on Decision-making in Police Investigation (Doctoral dissertation, University of Portsmouth, UK). Available at https://pure.port.ac.uk/ws/portalfiles/portal/42751290/Final_thesis_Minhwan_Jang_UP876087_Psychology_Dept_Aug_24_2021_.docx.pdf

    - Jang, M., Luke, T. J., Granhag, P. A., & Vrij, A. (2020). The impact of evidence type on police investigators’ perceptions of suspect culpability and evidence reliability. Zeitschrift für Psychologie, 228, 188–198. https://doi.org/10.1027/2151-2604/a000411

    - Landström, S., Ernberg, E (Eds.). (2020). Interviewing Child Witnesses. Proceedings of the 2019 Theoretical Course (Jang, M., ‘Children in the South Korean Legal System’), Department of Psychology, University of Gothenburg. Available at https://gup.ub.gu.se/file/208078

    - Jang, M. & Park, J. (2016). Crime analyses from evolutionary perspectives: Applying the evolutionary forensic psychology, Korean Journal of Criminal Profiling (Korean National Police Agency), 1(1), 141-179.

    - Ewens, S., Vrij, A., Jang, M., & Jo, E. (2014). Drop the small talk when establishing baseline behaviour in interviews. Journal of Investigative Psychology and Offender Profiling, 11(3), 244-252.

    - Jang, M., (July 2021-May 2022). ‘Monthly columns of psychology: Jang’s investigative psychology,’ Journal of Investigation Studies. Available at https://www.susa.co.kr/sub/sub7_02_2.php?part_idx=1&idx=222

    - Jang, M., (2022, February 28). The accessibility of physical and personal evidence during police investigations: Exploring the data of volume crime cases in South Korea. A research project in progress. https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/UB5TS

Dr. Jang Minhwan
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