درس د. برافين ماجيلال مجال الهندسة المدنية والعمارة والتخطيط الحضري والبنية التحتية في الهند والولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، وتضمنت دراسته العديد من المواد منها التخطيط، والإدارة العامة وإدارة الطوارئ والتخصصات الهندسية بعدة مؤسسات في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية والامارات العربية المتحدة. اهتماماته البحثية تتضمن مجالات التحقيق، ودور وأثر الصحة والسلامة والبيئة على تحقيق الاستدامة. وقد حاز على جائزة أفضل المقالات في مجلة رابطة التخطيط الأمريكية لأحد المنشورات التي شارك في إعدادها. وله أكثر من 40 منشوراً في الدوريات الأكاديمية، وفصول ببعض الكتب، وأعمال بالمؤتمرات .وقد فاز ايضاً بعدة جوائز بحثية وتعليمية في الولايات المتحدة والإمارات العربية المتحدة.
· 34. Maghelal, P., Li, X., Qahtani, A*. (Accepted) Assessing Accessibility of a Sustainable City: A Case Study of Masdar City, UAE. WIT Transactions of Built Environment. Q1/Q2
· 33. Maghelal, P. (2022). Integrating Ergonomics, Biomechanics, and Driving Behavior in a Virtual Environment: Developing a Transactional Framework. AHFE 2022 Proceedings. No. 63 Q1/Q2
· 32. Teweldebrhan, BT*, Maghelal, P., Galadari, A. (2022). Impact of 3D Printing on Car Shipping Supply Chain Logistics in the Middle East. The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics Q1/Q2
· 31. Alawadi, K., Hashem, S*., Maghelal, P. (2022). Perspectives on Everyday Urbanism: Evidence from an Abu Dhabi Neighborhood. Journal of Planning Education and Research Q1/Q2
· 30. Maghelal, P, Alawadi, K., Arlikatti, S., Wahdain, A*. (2022). Influence of Built-Environment on Physical Activity Choices among Emirati Male and Female Adolescents: An Examination of Parents and Students Perceptions. Sustainability Vol. 14, No. 1, 444 Q1/Q2
· 29. Arlikatti, S, Taibah, HA., Maghelal, P, Andrew, S, Alkhurayyif, SA. (2022). Hajj Pilgrims Perceptions of Trust and Internet Use for (Emergency) Information. International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage Vol. 10(i), 21 – 34 Q1/Q2
· 28. Alkhoori, F*, Maghelal, P. (2021). The effect of overloaded heavy commercial vehicles on the road infrastructure: Assessment of land transport operators in Abu Dhabi Emirate. Transportation Research A: Policy and Practice Vol. 154, 287–299 Q1/Q2
· 27. Alawadi, K., Striedinger, VH*., Maghelal, P., & Khanal, A*. (2021). Assessing Walkability in Hot Arid Regions: The Case of Downtown Abu Dhabi. Urban Design International. 1 – 21 Q1/Q2
· 26. Trepci, E*., Maghelal, P., Azar, E. (2021). Urban Built Context as a Passive Cooling Strategy for Buildings in Hot Climate. Energy and Buildings. Vol. 231, 110606 Q1/Q2.
· 25. Pimenta, A.*, Maghelal, P., Alawadi, K. (2021). Are Transit-Oriented Developments Effective Neighborhood Design Models to Help Meet the Recommended Weekly Physical Activity Levels? Case of Abu Dhabi. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation Vol. 15, No. 3, 163-174 Q1/Q2
· 24. Ali, AA*, Maghelal, P., Alawadi, K. (2020). Enhancing the Social Capital of Open Space in Abu Dhabi. Sustainability – Open Access, Vol. 12, No. 7, 3200 Q1/Q2
· 23. Taibah, H., Arlikatti, S., Andrew, S.A., Maghelal, P., DelGrosso, B. (2020). Health Information, Attitudes and Actions at Religious Venues: Evidence from Hajj Pilgrims. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Vol. 51, 101886 Q1/Q2
· 22. Trepci, E*, Maghelal, P., Azar, E. (2020). Evaluating Energy Efficiency of Transit-Oriented Development: A Case of Mockingbird Station, Dallas TX. Sustainable Cities and Community, Vol. 56. Q1/Q2
· 21. Almardood, M*, Maghelal, P. (2020). Enhancing the use of transit in arid regions: Case of Abu Dhabi. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, Vol. 14, No. 5, 375-388 Q1/Q2
· 20. Maghelal, P. (2019). Assembling Policy: Transantiago, Human Devices, and the Dream of a World-Class Society, by Sebastian Ureta. Review, Journal of Planning Education and Research, Vol. 29, No. 2, 246 Q1/Q2
· 19. Maghelal, P. (2018). Accessibility to Urban Services: Influence on Pedestrian Users of Public Transit. Transportation Management, Vol. 1, 1-5
· 18. Aldababseh, A*, Temimi, M., Maghelal, P., Branch, O., Wulfmeyer, V. (2018). Multi-criteria evaluation of resources to achieve sustainable irrigated agriculture and enhance food security in an arid area. Sustainability, 10(3), 803 Q1/Q2
· 17. Arlikatti, S., Maghelal, P., Agnimitra, N. and Chatterjee, V. (2018). Do I Stay or Do I go? Mitigation Strategies for Flash Flooding in India. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, Vol. 27, 48-56 Q1/Q2
· 16. Maghelal, P. (2017). Developing and Evaluating the Long Range Transportation Plan Using the Climate Change Protocol. Archeology & Anthropology: Open Access Journal, Vol. 1, No. 3, 1-6
· 15. Maghelal, P., Jang HS. (2017). Career Choices in Planning: A Diagnosis of Planning Related Tasks and Specializations. Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Sciences, Vol. 8, No. 2, 126-139
· 14. Maghelal, P., Peacock, W., Li, X.*. (2017). Highway Congestion during Evacuation: Examining the household's choice of number of vehicles to evacuate. Natural Hazard, Vol. 87, No. 3, 1399-1411 Q1/Q2
· 13. Maghelal, P., Li, X*., Peacock, W. (2016). Evacuating Together or Separately: Factors Influencing Split Evacuations Prior to Hurricane Rita. Natural Hazards Review, Vol. 18, No.2. Q1/Q2
· 12. Jang, H. S., & Maghelal, P. (2016). Exploring Millennial Generation in Task Values and Sector Choice: A Case of Employment in Planning. International Journal of Public Administration, 39(3), 173-183. Q1/Q2
· 11. Li, X., Maghelal, P., Tso, Y. E., Ryan, M., Durodoye, J., Wangpatravanich, P., & Jensen, K. (2016). Evaluating Walkability and Bikeability in a Campus Setting. Politics, Bureaucracy & Justice, 5(2).
· 10. Maghelal, P., Andrew, S., Arlikatti, S., Jang, HS. (2014). Assessing Blight and its Economic Impacts: A Case Study of Dallas, TX. WIT Transactions on Ecology and The Environment, Vol. 181, pp-187-197. Q4
· 9. Maghelal, P. and Capp, C*. (2011). Walkability: An Evaluation of Existing Pedestrian Indices. Journal of the Urban and Regional Information Systems Association. Vol. 23, No. 2, Pg. 5-19 Q3
· 8. Maghelal, P., Natesan P., Naderi, JR., & Kweon, BS. (2011). Investigating the Use of Virtual Reality for Pedestrian Environment. Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, Vol. 28, No.2, Pg. 104-117 Q3
· 7. Maghelal, P. (2011). Walking to Transit: Influence of Built Environment at Varying Distances. Institute of Transportation Engineers Journal, Vol. 81, No. 2. Pg. 38-43 Q1/Q2
· 6. Maghelal, P. (2011). Investigating the Relationships among Rising Fuel Prices, Increased Transit Ridership, and CO2 Emissions. Transportation Research D: Environment and Transportation, Vol. 16D, No. 3, Pg 232-235 Q1/Q2
· 5. Zahran, S., Brody, SD., Maghelal, P., Prelog, A. & Lacy. M. (2008). Cycling and Walking: Explaining the Spatial Distribution of Healthy Modes of Transportation in the United States. Transportation Research D: Environment and Transportation, Vol. D, No. 7, Pg 462-470. Q1/Q2
· 4. Maghelal, P., Olivares, M., Wunneburger, D, & Gustavo, R. (2008). Where Are They? A Spatial Inquiry of Sex Offenders in Brazos County. Journal of the Urban and Regional Information Systems Association, Vol. 20, No. 1, Pg 31-38. Q3
· 3. Maghelal, P. (2008). Assessing Student-Authored Articles in Planning: 1999-2003. Journal of Planning Education and Research, Vol. 28, No. 1, Pg 108-115 Q1/Q2
· 2. Naderi, JR., Kweon, BS, & Maghelal, P. (2008). The Street Tree Effect and Driver Safety, ITE Journal Online, Vol. 78, No. 2, Pg 69-73. Q1/Q2
· Brody, SD., Zahran, S., Maghelal, P., Grover, H., and Highfield, WE. (2007). The Rising Costs of Floods: examining the impact of planning and development decisions on property damage in Florida. Journal of American Planning Association, Vol. 73, No. 3, Pg 330-46 (Best JAPA Articles of the Year). Q1/Q2
· *Student Authors
· Maghelal, P. 2009. Healthy Transportation-Healthy Community: Objective Measures of Built-Environment Associated with Walking to Transit. VDM Verlag Publication.
Book Chapters:
· Maghelal, P. 2019. Urban Development and Sustainable Transportation: Is Transit Oriented Development the answer? (In French). In Ingallina, P (Ed), Towards the knowledge city: the use of digital and renewable energies for the production of an eco-sustainable city. Presses Universitaires du Septentrion
· Maghelal, P. 2010. Transportation Planning for Green Communities: What are the Counties Doing? In Tang, Z (Ed), Eco-City and Green Community: The Evolution of Planning Theory and Practice (165-177). Nova Publications.
· Wunneburger DF., Olivares M., and Maghelal, P. 2008. Internal security for communities: A spatial analysis of the effectiveness of sex offender laws. In Sui, D (Ed.), Geospatial Technologies and Homeland Security (103-124). Springer Publications
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